Travelsphere and G Adventures report growing demand for group tours

Growing demand for group tours over the past 12 months is being reported by specialist sister operators Travelsphere and G Adventures.

Travelsphere and solo travellers’ brand Just You were acquired by G Adventures in January following the collapse of former owner All Leisure.

Travelsphere and Just You head of group sales Glen Thomas said: “We have seen a 65% rise year-on-year in the number of tours we are operating on behalf of group travel organisers and specialist organisations.

“Among the most popular destinations are South Africa, India, Italy and Croatia, in fact we have eight back-to-back groups next year on the deluxe Adriatic Explorer exclusive to the groups market.”

Thomas will also be promoting group travel for small group adventure operator G Adventures.

Travelsphere and Just You sales director Colin Wilson said: “As the demand from group travel increases, so does the type of holidays that are being requested.

“Glen is well placed to recommend the perfect touring holidays from the Travelsphere range and for the more adventurous we have the trips organised by G Adventures, which include sailing trips, active trips, and tours that are high on local experiences and giving back to local communities.

“For operators looking for specific holidays for groups of single travellers we have tours put together by market leader Just You.”

Travelsphere and Just You became members of the Association of Touring and Adventure Suppliers (Atas) in April alongside more than 20 other suppliers, including G Adventures.


G Adventures confirms acquisition of Just You and Travelsphere
